max 3 pages
- Amount in EUR: 560 €
- This website is for private an small business purposes.
- Optimized for mobile devices.
- Three pages: For example: Home (starting)-page, About and contact page
- This package does not include hosting, texting, domain or any other services.
max 6 pages
- Amount in EUR: 980 €
- This website is for private an medium business purposes.
- Optimized for mobile devices.
- Six pages: For example: Home (starting)-page, about, gallery, product-page (with a maximum of 5 products), contact form and google maps form and contact page
- This package does not include hosting, texting, domain or any other services.
max 9 pages
- Amount in EUR: 1360 €
- This website is for extended business purposes.
- Six pages: For example: Home (starting)-page, about, gallery, product-page (with a maximum of 5 products), contact form and google maps form, 3 sub pages for extended product description or alternatively 6 pages and a mailchinp or weber autoresponder newsletter system and contact page.
- This package does not include hosting, texting, domain or any other services.